Google Meet meeting solutions are tightly integrated with Google Workspace to deliver a robust and intelligent meeting experience. Users can connect and work from anywhere, on any device, using Google’s powerful mobile apps. Their work is stored in the cloud, so it’s always there when they need it.

Overcome Business Challenges
• Lack of ubiquitous video conferencing availability due to high costs.
• No solution for remote and mobile users.
• High cost of on-premises infrastructure, dedicated network, and ongoing maintenance.
• Expensive to scale capacity.
• Technology is difficult to use making it difficult to start meetings quickly.
• Difficult to install, manage, and maintain equipment.


Meeting statistics

71% said meetings are unproductive and inefficient in a survey of senior management by Harvard Business Review.

47% of workers said “too many meetings” was the top time-waster at the office in a survey by

More employees are remote—up to 30% will work from home multiple days a week by 2021 according to Global Workplace Analytics.


Google believes the way users meet is the largest opportunity to transform the way teams work. Google has leveraged the power of new technologies to make collaboration smarter. Google Workspace Suite meeting solutions are built around three core values: simple access, smart collaboration, and scalable administration.

Google Workspace Solutions Made for a mobile, global workforce, Google Cloud’s collaboration and productivity solutions, highly secure devices, and browser help teams stay connected, collaborate effectively, and spend more time doing work that matters.

Google Workspace Suite is Google’s cloud-native productivity suite. It includes popular tools like Gmail, Drive for file management and sharing, Calendar for scheduling and time management, Docs, Sheets, and Slides for content creation, Google Meet, and Jamboard apps for real-time collaboration.

Google Workspace Suite meeting solutions are tightly integrated with other apps Suite to deliver a robust and intelligent meeting experience. Users can connect and work from anywhere, on any device, using Google’s powerful mobile apps. Their work is stored in the cloud, so it’s always there when they need it.

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